A Real World ALE File

Our example interface file lays out the interface used by the popular image manipulation tool for UNIX, xv. The entire ALE file is available undisturbed in the The xv ALE file, but is sectioned off here for the purpose of introducing you to the file structure. This help page does not detail all of the file, but covers most of the topics that you'll encounter in your interface creation.

The xv ALE file is laid out logically, from top to bottom, and from left to right. There is only one section in this file, as all the components are to be placed within the same container.

As you read through this example, keep in mind that several types of definitions are being used:

Each one is slightly different, so try to be aware of the differences as we run through this example.

   // xv interface emulation; xv is copyrighted by John Bradley.
   // All rights reserved.
   // No copyright infringement is intended.
   // The creators of ALE and its documentation
   // have only the highest regard for xv.

   // Top section components consisting of logo and
   // two rows of buttons equal to the height of the logo

   section main

      logo(p, p, 5, 5, LT)

The first entry, section main, defines the entire dialog. The section will have an ending }, as you would expect.

First, let's look at the logo placement and attributes:

Now let's have a look at the two rows of buttons that are defined to the right of the logo. These buttons could be defined as either two rows, or as three columns, but in our example we use two rows.

      flow(HORIZONTAL, logo.r + 5, w - 5, 5)
         display    ((w - logo.r - 10) / 3 - 1, logo.h / 2 - 1, 0, 0, CT)
         bitControl (display.w, display.h,                      0, 0, CT)
         algorithms (display.w, display.h,                      0, 0, CT)

      root      (display.w, display.h, display.l,    display.b + 1, LT)
      windows   (display.w, display.h, bitControl.l, display.b + 1, LT)
      imageSize (display.w, display.h, algorithms.l, display.b + 1, LT)

The flow function is used to place several components one after the other in either a horizontal row or a vertical column. Flow has the following attributes: a direction (horizontal or vertical), a start point, an end point, and an opposing direction centerline.

The buttons within this particular flow are fairly complicated. The buttons are, to reiterate:

         display    ((w - logo.r - 10) / 3 - 1, logo.h / 2 - 1, 0, 0, CT)
         bitControl (display.w, display.h,                      0, 0, CT)
         algorithms (display.w, display.h,                      0, 0, CT)

The components defined within a flow function have width, height, X, Y, and alignment attributes, just as the logo object had. The breakdown looks like this:

Note: As you can see, the buttons regulated by the flow will align themselves to fill up the space between the flow's start and end points, from left to right, no matter what size the dialog ultimately is.

The other two buttons follow display's lead, having the same attributes.

That's the flow, but what about the second row of buttons?

The second row of buttons is defined in this manner:

      root      (display.w, display.h, display.l,    display.b + 1, LT)
      windows   (display.w, display.h, bitControl.l, display.b + 1, LT)
      imageSize (display.w, display.h, algorithms.l, display.b + 1, LT)

Why aren't these buttons defined within a flow? They could be, but they don't have to be. Instead, they can simply refer to the positioning of the buttons within the previous flow.

Let's look at the root button, but skip to the important parts.

If you're feeling comfortable with ALE file structure, go ahead and experiment with an interface of your own. You can either copy the original examples and edit them, or start fresh with a new file.

If you feel you need a little more work on the structure, keep reading.

Now we'll tackle xv's Message Area listbox and the column of buttons that appear to its right.

   //Message Area on the left and a column of buttons to its right
   //Buttons are distributed evenly to the height of the Message Area

   messageArea (.8 * w, .55 * h, 5, logo.b + 5, LT)

   flow(VERTICAL, messageArea.t, messageArea.b, w - 5)
       next    (w - (messageArea.r + 10), messageArea.h / 7, 0, 0, RC)
       prev    (next.w, next.h,                              0, 0, RC)
       load    (next.w, next.h,                              0, 0, RC)
       save    (next.w, next.h,                              0, 0, RC)
       print   (next.w, next.h,                              0, 0, RC)
       delete  (next.w, next.h,                              0, 0, RC)
       files   (next.w, next.h,                              0, 0, RC)

Let's look at the Message Area:

Now let's look at the flow section.

   flow(VERTICAL, messageArea.t, messageArea.b, w - 5)

Here, the flow is a vertical flow that starts at the message area's top and ends at the message area's bottom. It is also defined to have a centerline that is 5 pixels to the left of the dialog's right side.

Note: Remember here that the opposed direction centerline determines the center of the flow in the opposite direction of its natural flow. So the centerline w - 5 tells ALE where the flow should be positioned horizontally.

And the buttons within the flow?

       next    (w - (messageArea.r + 10), messageArea.h / 7, 0, 0, RC)
       prev    (next.w, next.h,                              0, 0, RC)

The button next has a width that is defined relative to both the messageArea component and the dialog box: add 10 pixels to the right edge of the messageArea component, and then subtract that value from the width of the dialog box. This causes the button to take up the remaining width of the dialog box, but with 10 pixels of surrounding space left over. [The flow definition, if you remember, includes a centerline that is 5 pixels shy of the dialog box right side, so the flow definition and the button definition combined cause the button to fall in the center of the leftover space.

The next button's height is defined as one-seventh of the messageArea's height. Because seven buttons are defined within this flow, this is a shortcut way of ensuring this button will be proportional to the messageArea, and you can guess that the other buttons will be defined to be exactly the same height.

Because the flow handles the positioning of the buttons, their X and Y values are left at 0. Any alignment setting is still honored.

Once the next button is defined, the following buttons, because they are meant to be the same size as next, are all defined to have the same width and height as next.

If you're still stumped by all of this, try looking through Interface Layout for more details on putting components where you want them. You might also try compiling one of the examples, then editing a copy of the ALE file to see what happens when you resize and reposition components.