A comprehensive solution to the java graphical user interface layout problem. Distributed as free software along with the 1999 (1.2 edition) of
Peter Van Der Linden's Just Java book.
Ability to specify all layout information in an external ascii file that can be edited to alter the layout of your GUI without having to recompile.
Ability to handle arbitrarily complex layouts without having to recursively combine numerous LayoutManagers and Panels
Online Documentation
If you'd like to see how ale works and how to use it, you can click here to browse the online documentation
After unpacking the .zip or .tar.gz file, you will have created a directory called ale. That directory contains a README file that describes how the distribution is structured, how to compile the source, etc.
The following people assisted in creating this software:
Sandra K. Moore (smoore@zeh.com), who wrote all the documentation. Sandra contributed *many* hours of her own time to make this package accessible and immediately useful.
Jim Levie (Jim.Levie@dynetics.com), who provided valuable feedback as to how the package should work -- and who also (demonstrating extreme bravery) tested and used the package extensively before documentation was even available. The "external method" feature was added to fulfill Jim's needs.
Matt Nelson (mnelson@zeh.com), who also provided valuable real-world insight as to how things should behave. The "define" feature was added at Matt's request.
Kyle Gillentine (kgillen@zeh.com) and Fred Marshall (fmarshal@zeh.com) a couple of good guys I work with who've also assisted in making ale reliable and usable.