John F. Dumas Vulcan Ware
Pdf - A C++ Library To Create pdf Files

Source Code (linux / win32)

You can also download a zip file containing all of the above source code.

Example Usage (Click here to go straight to the pdf files generated by this example.)

 * Headers

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <complex>
#include <cmath>
#include "pdf.h"

 * Using Declarations

using std::ostringstream;
using std::ifstream;
using std::complex;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::ios;

 * Local Functions

// ---------------------------------------------------
// Multiply degrees by (2 * pi / 360.0) to
// obtain radians
// ---------------------------------------------------

static double degreesToRadians(int degrees)
   return((3.14159 / 180.0) * degrees);

// ---------------------------------------------------
// Read 'fileName' and populate 'lines' with its
// contents (on success, return true).  On error,
// populate 'errMsg' and return false.
// ---------------------------------------------------

static bool getLines(
   const string   &fileName,
   vector<string> &lines,
   string         &errMsg
   ifstream in;, ios::binary);

      errMsg = "Could not open: [" + fileName + "]";

   string line = "";

      char c = (char)in.get();

         if(line != "")


      line += c;

      if(c == '\n')
         line = "";



// ---------------------------------------------------
// Draw 'theText' at: [x, y] (using the specified
// font and font size) with a box around it
// ---------------------------------------------------

static void drawBoundedText(
   const string &theText,
   int           x, 
   int           y,
   PDF::Font     theFont,
   int           fontSize,
   PDF          &p
   p.setFont(theFont, fontSize);

   p.showTextXY(theText, x, y);

   int width = PDF::stringWidth(
      theFont, fontSize, theText

   int offset = (int)(0.4 * fontSize + 0.5);

   p.drawRect(x, y - offset, width, fontSize + offset);

// ---------------------------------------------------
// Demonstrate:
//    - text wrapping
//    - drawing and filling of circles and ellipses
//    - drawing and filling of rectangles and polygons
//    - drawing lines, using different line widths
//    - use of images
// ---------------------------------------------------

static void demoOne(PDF &p)
   p.setFont(PDF::HELVETICA, 12);

   string s = "  \t\t   fee \r\nxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\n\"fi\"fo fum";

   s += " a aa aaa aaaa bbb bb b c cc ccc dddd eeeee ";
   s += " foo bar baz foo bar baz ";
   s += " mairzy doats and doazy doats and little lambsey divey";
   s += " a kiddley divey too, wouldn't you? ";
   s += " a b c d e f g h i jj kkk llll mmmmmm nnnnnnn oooooooooooo ";
   s += "----------------------- -------------------------- ";
   s += "$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ";
   s += "******************** ************************ ***** ";

   vector<string> sv = p.wrapText(s, 100, true);

   for(int i = 0, n = sv.size(); i < n; i ++)
      // cout << "sv[" << i << "][" << sv[i] << "]\n";
      p.showTextXY(sv[i], 80, 745 - 20 * i);

   p.drawLine(80,  760,  80, 300);
   p.drawLine(180, 760, 180, 300);

   // cout << endl;

   p.drawEllipse(400, 550, 150, 75);

   p.setFillColor(255, 255, 0);
   p.fillEllipse(400, 550, 40, 65);

   p.drawEllipse(400, 550, 40, 65);

   for(int i = 0; i < 12; i ++)
      unsigned char value = (unsigned char)(20 * i);

      p.setFillColor(value, value, value);

      p.fillCircle(480, 310 + 10 * i, 2 * i);

      p.drawCircle(480, 310 + 10 * i, 3 * i);

   p.setLineColor(255, 0, 0);
   p.setFillColor(0, 0, 255);

   for(int i = 0; i < PDF::N_FONTS; i ++)
      PDF::Font theFont  = (PDF::Font)(i + 1);
      int       fontSize = 9;
      int       x        = 10;
      int       y        = 36 + (2 * fontSize) * i;

      string s =

      drawBoundedText(s, x, y, theFont, fontSize, p);

   p.fillRect(300, 700, 40, 40);
   p.drawRect(400, 700, 40, 40);

   p.setLineColor(255, 0, 0);

   for(int i = 0; i < PDF::N_FONTS; i ++)
      p.setFont((PDF::Font)(i + 1), 20);
      p.showTextXY(PDF::FONTS[i], 100, 100 + 40 * i);

   p.setLineColor(255, 0, 0);

   for(int i = 0; i < 20; i ++)
      p.drawLine(0, 0, 30 * (1 + i), 500 - 15 * i);
      p.setLineWidth(i/2 + 1);

   vector<XY> points;

   points.push_back(XY(300, 500));
   points.push_back(XY(325, 550));
   points.push_back(XY(350, 480));
   points.push_back(XY(375, 570));
   points.push_back(XY(400, 460));
   points.push_back(XY(425, 590));
   points.push_back(XY(450, 450));

   p.setLineColor(0, 255, 0);


   points.push_back(XY(100, 540));
   points.push_back(XY(150, 700));
   points.push_back(XY( 80, 700));

   p.setFillColor(200, 200, 200);

   p.setLineColor(0, 0, 255);


   // Make an image

   ImageRow row1;
   ImageRow row2;

   row1.push_back(RGB(255, 255,   0));
   row1.push_back(RGB(255,   0, 255));
   row1.push_back(RGB(  0, 255,   0));

   row2.push_back(RGB(  0, 0, 255));
   row2.push_back(RGB(255, 0,   0));
   row2.push_back(RGB(  0, 0, 255));

   Image anImage;


   ImageInfo info = p.processImage(anImage);
   double scale   = 50.0;

   for(int i = 0; i < 10; i ++)
      int xValue = 120 + 30 * i; 
      int yValue = 220 + 40 * i;

      p.showImage(info, xValue, yValue, scale);

         (int)(scale * info.mWidth  + 0.5),
         (int)(scale * info.mHeight + 0.5)

// ---------------------------------------------------
// Demonstrate:
//    - the use of 'drawLine' and trigonometry
//      to create a geometric line drawing
// ---------------------------------------------------

static void demoTwo(PDF &p)
   int xc = p.getWidth()  / 2;
   int yc = p.getHeight() / 2;

   int smaller = (xc < yc ? xc : yc);
   int radius  = (int)(.9 * smaller);
   int step    = 15;

   for(int i = 0; i < 360; i += step)
      double angle = degreesToRadians(i);

      int x0 = xc + (int)(radius * cos(angle) + 0.5);
      int y0 = yc + (int)(radius * sin(angle) + 0.5);

      for(int j = 0; j < 360; j += step)
         if(j != i)
            double theAngle = degreesToRadians(j);

            int x1 = xc + (int)(radius * cos(theAngle) + 0.5);
            int y1 = yc + (int)(radius * sin(theAngle) + 0.5);

            p.drawLine(x0, y0, x1, y1);

// ---------------------------------------------------
// Demonstrate:
//    - ability to embed program code (this function,
//      'demoThree' itself) in the pdf
//    - use of images to create and store a
//      generated fractal image
//  Note: The comments before and after the
//        'demoThree' function that look like this:
//           // begin: demoThree
//           // end: demoThree
//        are markers in the source so that the
//        code for the 'demoThree' function can
//        be extracted and written to the pdf file
//        file and that process will fail if those
//        comments are altered/removed
// ---------------------------------------------------

// begin: demoThree

static void demoThree(PDF &p)
   // Create an image, 500 pixels square

   int width  = 500;
   int height = 500;

   Image anImage;

   RGB theColor(0, 0, 0);

   for(int i = 0; i < height; i ++)
      ImageRow theRow;

      for(int j = 0; j < width; j ++)


   double yStart = -2.0;
   double yStop  =  2.0;
   double yStep  = (yStop - yStart) / (height - 1);

   double xStart = -2.0;
   double xStop  =  2.0;
   double xStep  = (xStop - xStart) / (width - 1);

   int maxIterations  = 25;
   double maxDistance = 1000.0;

   typedef complex<double> Complex;

   int iValue = 0;

   for(double y = yStart; y <= yStop; y += yStep)
      int jValue = 0;

      for(double x = xStart; x <= xStop; x += xStep)
         Complex z(0.0, 0.0);
         Complex c(x, y);

         int iterations = 0;

            iterations < maxIterations &&
            sqrt(z.real() * z.real() + z.imag() * z.imag()) < maxDistance
            z    = z * z + c;
            iterations ++;

         double v1 = (double)iterations / maxIterations;
         double v2 = sqrt(v1);
         double v3 = sqrt(v2);

         v1 *= 255.0;
         v2 *= 255.0;
         v3 *= 255.0;

         unsigned char red   = (unsigned char)(v1 + 0.5);
         unsigned char green = (unsigned char)(v2 + 0.5);
         unsigned char blue  = (unsigned char)(v3 + 0.5);

         RGB theColor(red, green, blue);

         anImage[iValue][jValue] = theColor;



   // Place the image, centered

   ImageInfo info = p.processImage(anImage);

   int xValue = (p.getWidth()  / 2) - (width  / 2);
   int yValue = (p.getHeight() / 2) - (height / 2);

   p.showImage(info, xValue, yValue, 1.0);


   string errMsg;
   vector<string> lines;

   if(!getLines(__FILE__, lines, errMsg))
      cout << errMsg;
      static const int FONTSIZE = 8;
      static const int MARGIN   = 36;
      static const int YSTART   = 750;

      int y         = YSTART;
      bool showLine = false;

      // Avoid false positive by buidling our
      // markerBegin and markerEnd strings up dynamically

      string tag         = "demoThree";
      string markerBegin = "// begin: " + tag;
      string markerEnd   = "// end: "   + tag;

      bool needSetFont = true;

      for(int i = 0, n = lines.size(); i < n; i ++)
            if(lines[i].find(markerBegin) != string::npos)
               showLine = true;
            if(lines[i].find(markerEnd) != string::npos)
               showLine = false;

                  p.setFont(PDF::COURIER, FONTSIZE);
                  needSetFont = false;

               p.showTextXY(lines[i], MARGIN, y);
               y -= FONTSIZE;

               if(y <= MARGIN)
                  needSetFont = true;
                  y = YSTART;

// end: demoThree

 * Main

int main()
   typedef void (*DemoFunction)(PDF &);

   DemoFunction functions[] =
      demoOne, demoTwo, demoThree

   int n = sizeof(functions) / sizeof(functions[0]);

   for(int i = 0; i < n; i ++)
      ostringstream out;

      out << "example-" << i << ".pdf";

      string fileName = out.str();

      cout << "-----------------------------------------" << "\n";
      cout << "Creating File: [" << fileName << "]"       << "\n";
      cout << "-----------------------------------------" << "\n";

      PDF pdf;


      string errMsg;

      if(!pdf.writeToFile(fileName, errMsg))
         cout << errMsg << endl;
         cout << "(File Successfully Written)" << endl;

      cout << endl;

Here are the 3 pdf files that result from executing the example above:

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